This is sad. Joan Rivers is now on life support is completely dependent on the machine to stay alive.
The family are still being hopeful that with time she would be able to get breath on her own and recuperate soon.
The family is also going to decide in some days time if she should continue on life support or if to turn off the machine. Quick recuperation Joan.
This is sad. Joan Rivers is now on life support is completely dependent on the machine to stay alive.
The family are still being hopeful that with time she would be able to get breath on her own and recuperate soon.
The family is also going to decide in some days time if she should continue on life support or if to turn off the machine. Quick recuperation Joan.
"We were most disturbed today to find that his face is all over the internet and newspapers and we have been labelled as kidnappers putting his life at risk, neglect.'There is nothing wrong with him, he is very happy actually. Since we took him out of hospital, he has been smiling a lot more.' 'We're not neglecting our son, he's in perfectly good health. My son is smiling, he's happy, we're doing things as a family 'We just want to be left in peace. He's very sick. I just want to get on with his treatment. I'm not coming back to England if I cannot give him the treatment I want, which is proper treatment. I just want positive results for my son.'Friends said the Kings ‘idolised’ their children and had refused to accept that Ashya’s life could not be saved.
"We were most disturbed today to find that his face is all over the internet and newspapers and we have been labelled as kidnappers putting his life at risk, neglect.'There is nothing wrong with him, he is very happy actually. Since we took him out of hospital, he has been smiling a lot more.' 'We're not neglecting our son, he's in perfectly good health. My son is smiling, he's happy, we're doing things as a family 'We just want to be left in peace. He's very sick. I just want to get on with his treatment. I'm not coming back to England if I cannot give him the treatment I want, which is proper treatment. I just want positive results for my son.'Friends said the Kings ‘idolised’ their children and had refused to accept that Ashya’s life could not be saved.
“I was like, ‘You know what? I want to be high fashion. I want to be taken seriously.People think that this just came to me. But it didn’t. What I have has almost worked against me. I had to work even harder to get where I wanted because people didn’t take me seriously as a model.I went on castings and some people weren’t feeling me because of my name. But it was great when people didn't recognize me. I was like, ''Thank you. Please don’t recognize me.'''She also told Teen Vogue
People didn’t want to take a chance on me, I think because I was sort of known,
They were a little bit on the fence about it. Some people might think that what I’ve done before made it easier for me to get jobs, but it was actually a disadvantage. I had to work even harder.